I offset my CO2 emissions with the Climate Solidarity CO2ntribution
I enable the construction of low-carbon houses by contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions, while supporting the populations most exposed to climate change by giving them access to decent housing adapted to the consequences of climate change
Why CO2ntribute?
On average, an American citizen emits 28 tonnes of CO2 eq. per year; the equivalent figure for a citizen of the UK is 13 tonnes (source). To comply with the Paris Agreements, these figures need to be divided by a factor of 5 by 2050.
The principle of the Climate Solidarity CO2ntribution is simple, it is about contributing to the carbon neutrality of the planet.
Because at AVN – Association la Voûte Nubienne – we believe that a global vision allows for a tenfold impact, our programme allows for the construction of low-carbon houses that contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions, while supporting economic and social development in the Sahel.

Nubian Vault Eco-constructions: low carbon, high economic and societal impact.
Nubian Vault houses are 100% earth constructions, a material with no carbon impact and widely available locally. This 3,000-year-old architectural concept uses no timber, which has become rare, nor cement or sheet metal – expensive inappropriate imported materials with high CO2 footprints.
The Nubian Vault eco-construction sector, developed for nearly 25 years by AVN – the Association la Voûte Nubienne – is part of a systemic development approach.
Supported by local civil society organisations, offering vocational training, jobs and income for young rurals, this sector aims to provide access to decent housing, adapted to the consequences of climate change, for the millions of Sahelians currently living under fragile and uninsulated tin roofs.
Millions of rural Sahelian families waiting for decent housing adapted to climate change
The majority of them live under fragile and uninsulated tin roofs, under the hottest temperatures in the world, on the front line of global warming, to which they have not contributed. The Climate Solidarity CO2ntribution will fund the distribution of financial incentives to enable rural families to build their Nubian Vault house (just as in many European countries, where financial support is available to make homes more energy efficient).
A calculation guaranted by a trusted third party
Calculation based on an ISO 14064-2 compliant carbon compatibility protocole devised by myclimate.
the construction of a 25m2 Nubian Vault house
and its use over a 30years-period

20 tonnes
of CO2 avoided

for local communties

Choosing the Climate Solidarity CO2ntribution allows for:

the construction of low-carbon houses and therefore the reduction of CO2 emissions

access to housing adapted to the consequences of climate change for rural families

the preservation
of timber ressources
(wood-free construction)

green jobs for more than 2000 youg Sahelians
A virtuous Climate CO2ntribution
that goes far beyond carbon
The income from the Climate Solidarity CO2ntribution is reinvested directly in the development of the programme, allowing access to decent housing adapted to climate change for a growing number of families, as soon as possible.
+ you contribute
+ you reduce global carbon emissions
+ the Nubian Vault Association can accelerate the transformation of African regions and support the development of local populations.

Carbon offsetting is not tax deductible
because there is a counterpart: the acquisition of carbon units.
If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation and support the Nubian Vault Association’s programme to reduce CO2 emissions in the construction sector, we invite you to become a « social investor ».
Technical and financial partners
AVN – Association la Voûte Nubienne – warmly thanks its partners who are making the implementation of the Climate Solidarity Co2ntribution scheme possible.

I offset my CO2 emissions with the Climate Solidarity CO2ntribution
I enable the construction of low-carbon houses by contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions, while supporting the populations most exposed to climate change by giving them access to decent housing adapted to the consequences of climate change
Why CO2ntribute?
On average, an American citizen emits 28 tonnes of CO2 eq. per year; the equivalent figure for a citizen of the UK is 13 tonnes (source). To comply with the Paris Agreements, these figures need to be divided by a factor of 5 by 2050.
The principle of the Climate Solidarity CO2ntribution is simple, it is about contributing to the carbon neutrality of the planet.
Because at AVN – Association la Voûte Nubienne – we believe that a global vision allows for a tenfold impact, our programme allows for the construction of low-carbon houses that contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions, while supporting economic and social development in the Sahel.

Nubian Vault Eco-constructions: low carbon, high economic and societal impact.
Nubian Vault houses are 100% earth constructions, a material with no carbon impact and widely available locally. This 3,000-year-old architectural concept uses no timber, which has become rare, nor cement or sheet metal – expensive inappropriate imported materials with high CO2 footprints.
The Nubian Vault eco-construction sector, developed for nearly 25 years by AVN – the Association la Voûte Nubienne – is part of a systemic development approach.
Supported by local civil society organisations, offering vocational training, jobs and income for young rurals, this sector aims to provide access to decent housing, adapted to the consequences of climate change, for the millions of Sahelians currently living under fragile and uninsulated tin roofs.

Millions of rural Sahelian families waiting for decent housing adapted to climate change
The majority of them live under fragile and uninsulated tin roofs, under the hottest temperatures in the world, on the front line of global warming, to which they have not contributed. The Climate Solidarity CO2ntribution will fund the distribution of financial incentives to enable rural families to build their Nubian Vault house (just as in many European countries, where financial support is available to make homes more energy efficient).
A calculation guaranted by a trusted third party
Calculation based on an ISO 14064-2 compliant carbon compatibility protocole devised by myclimate.
The construction of a 25m2
Nubian Vault house
and its use over a 30 year-period

20 tonnes
of CO2 avoided

for local communities

Choosing the Climate Solidarity CO2ntribution allows for:

the construction of low-carbon houses and therefore the reduction of CO2 emission

access to housing adapted to the consequences of climate change for rural families

the preservation
of timber ressources
(wood-free construction)

green jobs for more than 2000 youg Sahelians

A virtuous Climate CO2ntribution
that goes far beyond carbon
The income from the Climate Solidarity CO2ntribution is reinvested directly in the development of the programme, allowing access to decent housing adapted to climate change for a growing number of families, as soon as possible.
+ you contribute
+ you reduce global carbon emissions
+ the Nubian Vault Association can accelerate the transformation of African regions and support the development of local populations.

Carbon offsetting is not tax deductible
because there is a counterpart: the acquisition of carbon units.
If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation and support the Nubian Vault Association’s programme to reduce CO2 emissions in the construction sector, we invite you to become a « social investor ».
Financial and technical partners
AVN – Association la Voûte Nubienne – warmly thanks its partners who are making the implementation of the Climate Solidarity Co2ntribution scheme possible

la Voûte Nubienne
7 rue Jean Jaurès
34190 Ganges, France
0033 (0)

la Voûte Nubienne
7 rue Jean Jaurès
34190 Ganges, France
0033 (0)